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Beyond the Scale
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Module 1: Weight
Understanding the Vocabulary (4:55)
Why do we Gain Weight? (3:32)
Complications of Excess Weight (2:39)
Secret to Lose Weight and Maintain the Weight Loss! (4:01)
Module 2: Food - Let's Create Your Grocery List
Introduction (0:33)
Fats: Essential for our Survival (3:22)
Carbs: Energy for the Brain (3:08)
Proteins: The Building Blocks (2:14)
Are Calories Important? (4:58)
Module 3: Exercise - Let's Create Your Exercise Plan
Introduction (1:23)
Why do we need exercise? (1:51)
Where to start? (1:53)
How much exercise do we need? (2:52)
How to create an exercise plan (4:37)
What's Next?
Conclusion (2:40)
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Understanding the Vocabulary
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